organic farmer harvesting CSA lettuce in Markham Ontario Joyfully Organic Farm
organic farmer harvesting CSA lettuce in Markham Ontario Joyfully Organic Farm
organic farmer CSA in Markham Toronto Ontario Joyfully Organic Farm

100% Certified Organic

We are proudly a 100% certified organic vegetable farm. Eating with Joyfully Organic Farm comes with a guarantee - a concrete seal of confidence. When you eat with us you can rest assured that your food is safe for your family AND the environment. We follow the rigorous and important Canadian Organic Standards.

Regenerative Farmers

Regenerative agriculture is a means of producing food that contributes to, rather than detracts from, ecosystem health. Our farming techniques rebuild soil organic matter, sequester carbon and optimize climate remediation: building up of top soil, use of cover crops so the soil never sits bare, reduced tillage and rotational crop plans.

Soil Stewardship First

When asked how we address any issue on the farm (bugs, weeds, flavour), it comes down to one factor: how we steward our soil. It is the foundation of everything from the viability of the farm, to the vitality of our food. We believe taste, nutrition, and farm resiliency begins and ends with soil. Period. We pride ourselves on being excellent stewards of our land and we know that is demonstrated in the flavours and vibrance of our food.

Bio - Intensive

We practice an organic agricultural system that achieves maximum yields from a minimum area of land, while simultaneously increasing biodiversity and sustaining the fertility of the soil. We practice multi-succession planting and intensive spacing, which not only maximizes yields, but also creates a crop canopy that deters weed seed and protects soil from being left bare.

Focus on Efficiency

We are farming for the long haul and on a human scale, so we aim to build systems to work smoothly, organized, and efficiently. We take inspiration from the organizational systems of Lean Farming, and the farming efficiencies of the well known 30 inch bed system, developed by Elliot Coleman and popularized by Jean-Martin Fortier.

Minimal Tillage

We believe strongly in maintaining soil structure. One way we do this is by reducing our tillage. In cases when tillage is needed, we employ precision tools such as a power harrow that only ‘stir’ the top tiny layer of soil, leaving all the soil structure below intact. By reducing how much we till, we are able to build very fertile soil that supports healthy plants (and the most nutritious food!)


See our farming practices in action at
Joyfully Organic Farm

Our passion in action