“ There were veggies that I'd never tried (parsnips), or veggies I thought I didn't like (radishes) whose flavours exploded into my life with the Farm Share. Even better, there were veggies that I thought I knew, and your crop blew my preconceived notions out of the water. Finally I have TASTED lettuce and beets and carrots! “
- Sandra, Farm Share Member
“Before the Farm Share I was in a rut and always bought the same vegetables, but now I try and cook new things all the time!”
“I often bought the same vegetables and I was not a fan of kale or radishes. After the farm share I love kale (chips) and cooked radishes!”
- Farm Share Member
“I excitedly await the box each week, like a kid on Christmas morning. It truly does bring great JOY each and every week.”
“ What was most meaningful to me? That I was nourishing my family with incredibly fresh, nutrient food and supporting our local farmer. “
- Farm Share Member
Before the farm share I ate the same vegetables repeatedly but now that I am a farm share member, even my children get excited to discover what is in the weekly delivery and they find recipes to use to prepare the food!
- Farm Share Member
“ We were so done with rotten box lettuce -- that pushed us over the edge and we were looking for the magic combination of convenience plus freshness / local veg!”
- Farm Share Member
“Now that I am a Farm Share Member I have been appreciating (and blown away) by the flavour and freshness of local produce vs grocery stores.””
“ My favourite part? How can I choose just 1? We loved getting to open up our box each week with my daughter and talk about the new and fun veggies we would find. The whole experience was laced with care and joy by the farmers, which made it fun and enjoyable for us Farm Share Members”
- Farm Share Member
“Thank you for bringing mindfulness to my eating, through sheer quality and deliciousness”
“ We truly believe that this is the best way to participate in a more sustainable way of eating and farming. And we liked the atmosphere at your stand at the farmers market. It felt like a wonderful community. “
- Farm Share Member
““There’s so much love and thought put into this CSA, you can feel that. ”
“ This is the fifth CSA we have participated in since moving to Toronto. This is BY FAR the best one we've ever been a part of. Great variety of veggies. Amazing quality and taste. And such a long season. We couldn't believe it went until mid December! We were super impressed and look forward to more seasons ahead.”
- Farm Share Member
“ Just had to share. The kids have already eaten all of the carrots today (miracle of all miracles). AND from the 8 year old boy who eats very few vegetables... “Those carrots are really good! They taste like candy!“
You do good work farmers, from a grateful mom.”
- Lana, Farm Share Member
“I really appreciate we aren’t just customers to you, we’re part of the family. ”
“Before the farm share I didn't eat the variety of veg & the quality of vegetables weren't as good, but now my health is much better & I love knowing that my produce is grown organically & locally by farmers who care deeply about how they farm & are super nice human beings too! Thank you!”
- Farm Share Member
“Before I was a Farm Share Member I would cook boring meals, now that I am a Farm Share Member I’m excited about cooking!”
“ We loved seeing what was in the box each week (it was like opening a present each time!). We also quickly grew to love and look forward to our pick-up days. It added a bit of structure to a very weird year… It was such a grounding routine.”
- Farm Share Member