Imagine feeling relieved because eating health is suddenly made easy

Exciting news! Your chance to join our incredible Farm Share for 2022 - opens in just a few days. We are planning our BEST year yet - hence my face below :) We expect spots to go fast, so put February 8th at 7 am on your calendar, because we wouldn't want you to miss out. 

Until then, we are going to answer all the questions you might be wondering... What's inside that glorious box of veg? How do I sign up? What's this I hear about access to a U-Pick Flower Garden?! (Spoiler: it's true!)

Stay tuned to your inbox for all the glorious details. And in the meantime...

In the meantime imagine...

...being excited about what you eat because it's fresh + the flavours are incredible

...feeling relieved because eating healthy is suddenly made easy 

...being proud because you eat locally + know your farmer personally

...feeling included in our special + fun farm community

... feeling confident in the kitchen because  of all the cooking education that's provided free with your weekly box

For you to download, print + keep!